The retirement benefit calculator provides estimates based on the information on your #SocialSecurity earnings record. It is important to note that there are only estimates.
Visit our benefit calculator to find out what amount corresponds to you:
We cannot provide the actual benefit amount until you apply for benefits. Estimates may vary from the ones provided for the following reasons:
- Your earnings may increase or decrease in the future.
- After you start receiving benefits, they will be adjusted to reflect changes in the cost of living.
- Your benefit estimate is based on current law, the law governing benefit amounts may change because the combined trust fund reserves are projected to be depleted by 2035.
- This projection is the same as last year. The payroll taxes collected will only be enough to pay about 79 cents for every dollar of scheduled benefits.
- Your benefit amount may be affected by military service, railroad employment, or pensions earned through employment on which you did not pay Social Security taxes.